Friday, June 25, 2010

Listen to the Wind

±1±: Now is the time Listen to the Wind Order Today!

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Date Created :
Jun 25, 2010 07:51:21
Greg Mortenson stumbled, lost and delirious, into a remote Himalayan village after a failed climb up K2. The villagers saved his life, and he vowed to return and build them a school. The remarkable story of his promise kept is now perfect for reading aloud. Told in the voice of Korphe’s children, this story illuminates the humanity and culture of a relevant and distant part of the world in gorgeous collage, while sharing a riveting example of how one person can change thousands of lives.

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±1±: Best Buy This book is wonderfully illustrated and well written. I had already read the adult version of Three Cups of Tea so I could have been biased by my strongly positive impression of the adult version. However, bias aside, this is really nicely illustrated. And the story, while not as entertaining as pure fiction, is quite compellingly told. I read it to my 7 year old, and am also purchasing it for all three of my kids' classrooms as the end of year gift this year. I strongly recommend this book to all who want to educate their children in ways to make a difference in this world. on Sale!

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